Thursday, August 31, 2006

To work, or not to work, that is the question.

This is bullshit, I don't feel like working, yet I want to work, know what I mean? I wanted to take 2 weeks off this 9 week break to relax and shit, now it's the third week of vacation and I'm wondering: Should I, or should I not? I'm feeling pretty accustomed to sleeping at 5 AM and waking up at 1 PM.

Sitting at home, playing games, relaxing. At the back of my mind however, there is a war going on: WORK! NO! STAY AT HOME! WORK! NO STAY AT HO- *Whack*

You get my drift. I wanna stay at home, but I want to buy a new Falcon cue, for shits and giggles, AND send my Taiwan Custom to Viattorre(it has become dear to me). To do that I need around 800 SGD

How am I gonna get 800 SGD without working? NOW that's what's buggering the shit out of me k. Now, if you wanna ease my dillema, or something, and give me 800 SGD for free, or maybe just get me a well paying job, cos I'm also just too lazy to find one, call me or some shit.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Dumbass cum sluts nowadays

I flicked on MTV, and I saw Paris Hilton.

I swear, for the past few days, when I flicked on MTV, Paris Hilton was on.

What the hell is the obsession with this pseudo singer? She can't sing for shit, nor act, nor be a porn star.

Sup mah homies.

Yer, you might know me from my previous blog, but most likely you don't know me AT ALL, unless you're one of my friends.

Anyway, on my old blog, I was whoring it to the really enchanting sport of pocket billiards. Now this blog will be a little less pocket billiard whoring, but bear in mind, some whoring will still occur.

Now onto more pressing things.

I have to ask of you: Why are Singaporeans, and people, in general, such dumb-fucking-assholes. These people make me sick to the stomach, and make me want to hit them square in the face with a blunt object, such a baseball bat or a sledgehammer, take your pick. Afterward chop at their necks with a blunt axe while their friends scream in terror at the evil I am.

The other day, I was playing pool with a friend, okay fun. Then a group of 4 young dumbasses who have been brainwashed by LAN Gaming, notably one who had this incredibly gay looking hairstyle with a light green with olive green stripes shirt. Not to mention ear rings, either he's really metro, or gay, which are almost the same.

Okay, besides the gay guy, they didn't really annoy me, at first. Then they came in, struttin' their shit yo, walking like they owned the fucking place, dropping the balls from the tray onto the tables, so you could hear the balls bouncing on the table, not only does that damage the damn table, it's fuckin noisy.

They play like drunk motherfuckers, calling each other pre-pubescent insults like "Mother die" and stupid shit like "GG liao". Okay, I admit, sometimes I use "N00b" and "pl0x", but it's for fun and making fun of such stupid language. They actually use it, and have integrated these "words" into their vocabulary, or perhaps lack of it.

They also appear inherently stupid, and not to mention immature. They were throwing the Aramith Billiard Balls(Which are rather heavy mind you) along the table and sometimes at each other, damaging the balls, and their balls. Not that I care about their balls, just the Aramith Balls.

Okay, no problem, fucking annoying, but no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OGGZOMZOGMZOMZOGMG. FUCK THOSE NEW-FANGLED MP3 HANDPHONES. They played some shit-ass techno(Might I say, the worst ever genre of music, only drug junkies and idiots listen to that shit) on their MP3 Phones(worst thing to ever be invented). Fuck I wanted to break my stick on their heads.

Now I ask, why is there such stupidity in Singapore? Moreover, I don't believe it's only compounded in Singapore, but fuck that, I live in Singapore so I don't care about other countries. Can they not have the decency to exercise their rights to Shut The Fuck Up? Or just ROLL the fucking balls, they're BALLS! For fucks sake, they can be ROLLED. Mp3 Handphones, don't get me started, they fucking annoy me, especially on the bus. WE DON'T CARE FOR YOUR TASTE IN MUSIC(Trust me, most people who play their Mp3s loudly either listen to Mandarin Emo songs, which suck ass, and Techno, which suck ass), get some earphones, motherfuckers, did the doctor drop you on the head when you were a baby?

God damn fucking idiots.

Cheers, have a nice day.