Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Little Man

Went out today with Stef, Sam, Jing Min, and Guo Qiang. Supposed to meet Guo Qiang at 4, but met him at 4:30 instead, cos I was late :(! Went to LIdo and wanted to catch the 5:20 PM show, but Jing Min was late, so we had to wait for the 7:30PM show instead. Walked around, went halfway to Heeren and Jing Min changed his mind half way and we went to Taka to "eat".

Reached Taka and decided not to eat there heh, went all the way back to Lido to eat there instead. Watched Little Man, funny-ass show, wonder who suggested it. ;)

Afterwards we headed home, on the bus, there was this Indian dude sitting beside me talking loudly on the phone for about 30 mins, and on the other side was this Chinese dude singing badly. Was really damn pissed during the bus ride, banged my head several times on the glass window out of frustration really.

Anyway, I just realised today, I should change my attitude. As in be less vulgar. I'll still be the same cynical pissant I am, but just use less vulgar words yeah. Don't know what made me want to change, but I want to. Heh.


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