Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why do I have this blog address.

You may wonder why I have "PromiscuousEnigma" as my blog address. Well you know, I was blog hopping, and reading all these stupid-ass blogs with stupid-ass names to make them sound smart. I mean they use long-ass words which barely make any sense so that they sound smart, and in their blog, the content is worse. They have stupid-ass entries which try to sound smart by again, using long-ass-words-which-do-not-fit-nor-make-any-sense.

So therefore, I decided to use the term "Promiscuousenigma" because it is long, makes me sound smart, and practically, doesn't make sense. (Though, in a sense it kinda does). It is for IRONY.

Btw, Promiscuous - Someone that is sexually active.
Enigma - Someone whose Identity is not known.

Therefore, Promiscuous Enigma means Someone who is sexually active, but his identity is unknown. Genius, pl0x!(Irony again)


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