Friday, September 29, 2006

Hmm, I haven't been blogging much, really, I've been in quite a good mood, so not many rants around, nor is there much to blog about.

However! I thought I would whore my photoshop works on my blog since I've been experimenting with it again. So far..

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Not done with this yet, there's a lot of meaning underneath that picture, but I won't reiterate it, I can't be fucked.. yet. It's an experimentation anyway, supposed to be a wallpaper, but it's 800 x 600, just for experimentation, and doing that in 1024 x 768 is just god slow. I'll make others in 1024 x 768 instead.

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A sig I made for myself, another experiment.

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The first experiment sig.

Hope you all enjoyed them, you know where to contact me if you want a banner or wallpaper or forum signature done.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Public Transport

I hate taking public transport, the people who take them piss me off. Previously I blogged about going to watch Little Man and had to endure this Indian and Chinese dude pissing me off on the bus.

Then on the same bus service, 7, coming back from Orchard, yet again, this stupid guy comes and sits like an asshole, slouching as if he had no backbone, and sitting to close to me, I had so little space ffs. Then his bag straps kept grazing my shoulders, bloody annoying.

IN the first place, why the hell sit so close to me? There were also other seats totally unoccupied, but the fucker wouldn't move.

I got so pissed I did something very low indeed, I whipped out my handphone and made noise with it, playing all my video clips and shit at full volume with the speaker pointed right at him. After a while, he moved away rofl, then I stopped. Then again, being the stupid moron, he sat too close again, I turned my handphone on again. What a blatant show of displeasure, heh.

Anyway, I was at Orchard to attend a so-called 4E4 Gathering, if you can call it that. Only 5 showed up, we went to eat at BK, mull over movies for 20 minutes, decided not to watch a movie, then went to KPool. I challenged Aylwin over there, and lost 3-2 to him, not too bad, seeing as I never played there before, and under-ran a lot of shots due to the slow cloth which I wasn't used to there. Props to Aylwin though, he's very very good, that lawyer.

Observed his other matches and the left at around 11 PM.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Little Man

Went out today with Stef, Sam, Jing Min, and Guo Qiang. Supposed to meet Guo Qiang at 4, but met him at 4:30 instead, cos I was late :(! Went to LIdo and wanted to catch the 5:20 PM show, but Jing Min was late, so we had to wait for the 7:30PM show instead. Walked around, went halfway to Heeren and Jing Min changed his mind half way and we went to Taka to "eat".

Reached Taka and decided not to eat there heh, went all the way back to Lido to eat there instead. Watched Little Man, funny-ass show, wonder who suggested it. ;)

Afterwards we headed home, on the bus, there was this Indian dude sitting beside me talking loudly on the phone for about 30 mins, and on the other side was this Chinese dude singing badly. Was really damn pissed during the bus ride, banged my head several times on the glass window out of frustration really.

Anyway, I just realised today, I should change my attitude. As in be less vulgar. I'll still be the same cynical pissant I am, but just use less vulgar words yeah. Don't know what made me want to change, but I want to. Heh.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Damn keyboard.

I hate this keyboard. Period.

Can't type for shit. Typos everywhere and I type like my mother, slow as hell.

Btw, everyone check your links, I'm lazy to click on the multitude(ok..) of links. Bets that Guo Qiang won't though, he's lazier than me.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What's new?

What's new in my life?

Pretty much what's new..

Oh yeah, Hitman: Blood Money owns you.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why do I have this blog address.

You may wonder why I have "PromiscuousEnigma" as my blog address. Well you know, I was blog hopping, and reading all these stupid-ass blogs with stupid-ass names to make them sound smart. I mean they use long-ass words which barely make any sense so that they sound smart, and in their blog, the content is worse. They have stupid-ass entries which try to sound smart by again, using long-ass-words-which-do-not-fit-nor-make-any-sense.

So therefore, I decided to use the term "Promiscuousenigma" because it is long, makes me sound smart, and practically, doesn't make sense. (Though, in a sense it kinda does). It is for IRONY.

Btw, Promiscuous - Someone that is sexually active.
Enigma - Someone whose Identity is not known.

Therefore, Promiscuous Enigma means Someone who is sexually active, but his identity is unknown. Genius, pl0x!(Irony again)

Monday, September 11, 2006

This week = Disaster

To quote Tea Leoni from Bad Boys (1995)

"This has been a shitty week"

And it's barely even started.

To start things off, I was playing pool the other day. I was on my way home, my Vincitore 2x4 gave way, my cues dropped on the floor, my Mezz Powerbreak has a few visible dents, but thankfully not any dents on my Ebony Taiwan Custom.

Then just today, I was playing RuneScape, I lost 8 million worth of Items because of a stupid bug, which led me to be hit for 50+ then, a 33. The 33 was the last thing I saw before my Guthan's Spear(5 mil) Guthan Helm (1.5m+?), Whip(2m) and full Karil (800k) dropped onto the floor.

Great week. :D

Friday, September 08, 2006

Steve Irwin, again.

Sorry for the recent deluge of Steve Irwin posts, but it's really hit me badly. (Note: Another Legendary Australian died this week: Rally Driver Peter Brock)

I was talking to my Aussie friends about Steve Irwin, and they have the utmost respect for the man, it's really hit me bad. I was reading on a forum about Steve Irwin's death, and there were a bunch of ignorant assholes who bagged Steve for "Disturbing" the animals. Some respectable people argued for Steve Irwin, and they linked to this.

If this doesn't show you he loved animals, please shoot yourself in the head. No one has hit me this hard since my grandmother passed away a few years ago. I almost cried watching his videos, and all the messages that Steve filmed before he died, on Animal Planet. It really shows what an impact he made on us and the world. I rarely ever shed tears, if any at all.

We love you Steve!

Idiots, real idiots.

Idiots, real idiots do exist in this world, I mean, I'm not being ignorant, but come on, saying that someone "had it coming" when he died, now that's really being idiotic.

I've seen people say "Good, then he'll finally stop annoying those animals "

One. He did such things to introduce awareness to wild animals and their predicaments.

Two. The only time he "Annoyed" the animals, was in his zoo, which he is a director of, or when he has to transfer the animals to a better habitat, and to do that, he has to capture them first.

I could go on and on, but seriously, I don't want to waste my time trying to prove my point with these idiots because they'll go on and on about how they're right.

If you notice such people, shoot them in the head, and feed them to the cheetahs.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The most fun I've had in a while.

The other day I went to Toys R Us at Suntec with Jing Min and Guo Qiang to apply for a job, then went out to walk around and shit.

It was the first time I went out other than parties and pool, and school in a while. Forgot how fun it was talking cock, playing pool recreationally etc. could be. We walked around, talked cock, looked at girls, just hanging out having some fun.

A lot fun guys, should go out again next time, instead of the other T06 guys who go home half way to play DOTA. Gah them.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Rest in Peace, Steve Irwin, 22 February 1962 - 4 September 2006

Rest in Peace, Steve Irwin.

Steve Irwin died today, while filming underwater. He died from Cardiac Arrest due to a Stingray barb pierced through his chest, the third ever death in Australia from a Stingray.

My condolences go out to his Family, Terri Irwin, and his two children. He was a great man, his love for the environment, family, made him the great man he was. He will be sorely missed, he was more than just a "Croc Hunter", he was an environmentalist.

I remember watching his documentaries when I was younger, and I was always like "Man, can't this guy speak slower? I can't understand him, oh yeah, he's mental too".

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"I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it"

Steve Irwin

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This is really going to sound very woman.

The Veronicas are hawt!

Happy Birthday to Jazreel.

I have to say, Happy Birthday to Jazreel, she turned 17 on the 2nd of September 2006. We had a party at her house, it was cool, reached her Condo at 5:30, found the buggers by the pool, trying to start a fire. I quickly went to help them and soon the fire started.

Food, drinks, food, drinks, that was what kept us occupied for about an hour or two, it was pretty boring crap, until Jazreel got pushed into the water by, SURPRISE, KOH LI. We were expecting Guo Qiang and Jing Min to actually push her, but hell, it was Koh Li who did it. Good on you Koh Li!.

Mayhem ensued, and everyone was pelting everyone else with water, water, water, water from the cups, water from bottles, water from the swimming pool, whatever. Just when I drenched everyone, and was standing by the pool, thinking thew ater shit was over, I GOT PUSHED IN THE POOL BY JING MIN! Yeah, shirt, pants and all that shit. I was fucking drenched!

Ah hell, I thought, I have to travel from CCK to Eunos in dripping wet clothes, cos I didn't bring extra.

I'll post the pics when I get them from Stefanie another time.